Things will never be the same again. Every time a game gets an update, there will always be changes. It can either be to the benefit of the players or not. Other times there would be fixes to problems seen in a past update or mechanics that didn’t function properly. Lastly, there would be new additions to the game, whether mechanics, features, locations, or even a new class. Players sometimes see new ways to farm WoW gold, especially now that the professions are overhauled for this expansion. Let’s see the most significant changes Dragonflight brought!
Race Ban Lifted on the Mage, Priest, and Rogue Classes
World of Warcraft had always had classes restricted to a few races. It also works the other way if races are more important to you. In Dragonflight, the Mage, Priest, and Rogue classes no longer have restrictions! Whatever race you play, you can choose to be in any of those three classes alongside other restricted ones.
New Class and Race
Dragonflight also adds the Dracthyr Evoker, a race-class combination that can’t be anything else. That is, the Dracthyr as a race cannot be anything but an Evoker, and no other race can be an Evoker. They’re a unique existence in Azeroth, so there are a few things that only they can do.
They have two forms, a draconic one and a more humanoid one. They can switch between the two in battle, mixing the strengths of dragons and humans in one race. Both forms have advantages, and they are fully customizable to boot.
In their draconic form, they can glide and fly in a limited capacity. Any long-distance flying will have to be done on a mount with the new flying mechanics to be discussed later.
In combat, they can utilize all aspects of Dragonflights. However, their specialization will make them better at dealing with damage or healing allies. The Devastation path focuses on the Red and Blue aspects, while Preservation uses the Bronze and Green ones.
Evokers also can Empower spells. By holding down the button to cast magic, it will charge up and become even more potent when released. It could be a buffer if you activate a skill out of rhythm or need to aim. Evokers wear Mail and can equip Daggers, Staves, Fists, both one-handed and two-handed Swords, Maces, and Axes. They may use off-hand weapons, but they do not dual-wield. Any armor transmogs will not be visible in their draconic form, but the skins will be seen when in the Visage (humanoid) form.
Soar Through the Skies with Dragonriding
This is a brand-new flying mechanic unique to the Dragon Isles. Attempting to ride a Dragonriding mount outside the islands will result in an error message. The usual flying WoW mount mechanics let you travel through the air with the most basic of controls. WASD to move in that direction, the space bar to rise, and X to lower. You can hold down the right click to fly freely by aiming with the mouse. Dragon riding is entirely different with new mechanics. Momentum is essential; your dragon mount can tire and land without input. You can speed up or slow down, depending on your actions. There’s even a dedicated talent tree for the skill.
You can start by double-jumping from the ground. This counts as a Skyward Ascent skill, propelling you up and forward. Riding your mount can also save you from falling to your death. Diving will make you go faster, while ascending can slow you down. Mixing and combining the two is vital to keep your momentum going and fly longer distances. This skill has a unique resource called Vigor, which keeps you and your mount in the air. As you practice flying with your dragon mount, your Vigor capacity will increase, letting you travel farther and soar for extended periods. Exploration is a huge part of the Dragon Isles, and this is a perfect way to get around and discover hidden places.
Leveling Alts Changes
With race and class restricted, if players want to experience a different one, they’d have to create a new character. That comes with doing all of the main quests again to reach the endgame content. They have to do this for every new race or class they want to play in.
You can see how troubling and tiring it is to repeatedly go through the main story for every alt you make. Dragonflight makes progression account-wide, so you don’t have to go through this again!
That’s right, when you’ve done the main quests on one character, you have the option to skip it for any subsequent character you create. Any alt you make will no longer slog through hours of exposition you’ve seen before. You can still choose to replay the story if you want, though. The new character will have to do any individual quests (race or class-locked). Otherwise, it’s a relief not to repeatedly go through the same content for an alt.
UI and Talent Tree Overhaul
One thing that hasn’t aged well in WoW is the HUD. It shows its age, and many players have wanted customization options. With Dragonflight, that need has been answered. Players can now adjust the settings of the UI and find the best arrangement and appearance for their screen. Talents have also been overhauled. Before, players would receive some talents common across specializations at specific levels. They can pick supplementary ones from a tree when they have the skill points. Now, the players have complete control over what talents their character will get and when. No ability will be mandatory to get as-level milestones. You can choose all the ones beneficial to your specialization. No more useless skills. Things are more streamlined and focused. Changing specializations has also become a breeze. With this overhaul, you can have loadouts of talents catered specifically to any spec you choose. To change it, you can select it from the loadouts you have. You don’t have to go to the trainer to reset your points anymore.
Deep Changes to Professions
Professions also got many features added. First up is an order mechanic. Players who need a crafted item but cannot make it themselves can ask another player who could create it for a price. They may supply the necessary materials or pay extra for the order. The second is specializations. You can put points into specific crafting trees to specialize in that area. Third, crafted items will now have quality. It depends on your experience making the item and your profession level. It follows that the better the quality, the more valuable and helpful it is. Fourth, professions have specialized equipment. It won’t take up inventory space and takes effect whenever you do something related to your craft. These will have special effects, such as adding unique buffs or providing unavailable items.
Fifth, crafting tables are a new feature in towns. Crafters can meet at these tables and form long-lasting friendships with like-minded individuals. Sixth and last, you can take an already-made item and recraft it for better quality or change the materials used. With these changes, crafting things would feel more personal to the player. Each one will feel unique due to quality and various other factors. Plus, this will modify how players can farm WoW gold with these professions.
Enjoy All the Changes
Of course, it goes without saying that there would be a new location and new story content for the expansion. It’s not a change but an addition to what is already there. Still, it’s something new to experience, like everything else in this article. The best thing about these changes and additions is that you enjoy new things about your favorite game. Having fun is the point of the game (and to make money for the companies developing them). These expansions give you more reasons to smile and keep playing the game. Keep playing World of Warcraft, and enjoy the new mechanics, stuff, and WoW mounts that come with it!